Phase 5

Phase 5 Introduction

During Phase 5 we will be discussing the Report Viewer (Video) and the Report Builder (If Applicable) (Video).  In this phase, the trainee will discover that there are over 125+ standard reports that will assist you in examining your CollaborateMD data in almost any infinite combinations, display it in easy-to-understand formats and share the resulting insights with others.  We will walk through the various ways on how to run a report, add reports to favoritesprint or export reportssave a report, utilize the Report Snap & Share,  and also examine the right-click capabilities within the Report Viewer. 

We then will transition to the Report Builder (If Applicable) (Video) a powerful tool that gives your organization the flexibility it needs to customize reports through a drag and drop interface. Specify the metrics that you are tracking, and organize the data across locations, departments, providers, time frames, etc. You can examine your data in almost infinite combinations, display it in easy-to-understand formats, and share the insights with others. By always knowing where you stand, you can spot trends early and make the best decisions for your business.

Phase 5 Entrance Criteria

Phase 5 Exit Criteria

Phase 5 Recommended Reports

Suggested reports to run on a daily basis:

You can right-click on a report and save it to your Favorites.

AR Management Reports:

  • A/R Aging Summary
  • Activity Summary
  • Payer Mix by Charge Amount (Total charges and debits for each Payer Type)
  • Payer Mix by Paid Amount (Total revenue for each Payer Type)


AR Reports:

  • Charges at Collection
  • Charges Due Insurance - by Aging Range (Outstanding Insurances)
  • Charges Due Insurance - by Date Range (Outstanding Insurances)
  • Charges Due Patient - by Date Range (Outstanding Patients)
  • Electronic Remittance Advice Reports (if applicable) 
  • Adjustment Reasons
  • Denials
  • Unpaid Reasons


Claim Reports:

  • Charge Overview by Date Range
  • Claims On Hold Report
  • Claims Waiting to be Printed by User (If you print claims)
  • Claims Waiting to be Sent to the Clearinghouse
  • Claims Rejected at the Clearinghouse
  • Incomplete Claims Report


Daily/Monthly Reports:

  • Claims Billed Report
  • Claims Entered Report
  • Daily Deposit Report (All payments posted)
  • Daily/Monthly Charges and Debits
  • Daily/Monthly Insurance Payments/Adjustments
  • Daily/Monthly Patient Payments/Adjustments


Management Reports:

  • User Audit Report


Patient Reports:

  • Incomplete Patients Report
  • Patients at Collection (Use to send to Collection Agency)
  • Patient Listing by Balance
  • Patients with Account Credits
  • Patient Reports On Statements:
    • Patient Statements Turned Off
    • Patient with Statements Printed X Times
    • Statements Printed in a Date Range

Although these reports are some of the reports suggested to run daily, there are several other reports to look through and run as often as you need. There are many other reports that may be beneficial to you in your office. You can reference the Reports Reference Guide for descriptions of each standard report available within CollaborateMD. 

Phase 5 Training Actions/Homework

Action 1. Understand why Dashboard analytics are crucial to your business and determine who should access and monitor them.

Action 2. Determine Key Performance Indicators needed for Reports. CMD offers over 125+ standard reports. Most reports can be used as templates to create custom reports suited for your business. Be sure to communicate reporting needs to your Implementation Specialist prior to turnover.

Action 3. Stay on top of your CMD using Tasks and monitor users productivity 

In order to successfully complete Phase 5 of your training and move into Phase 5, you must complete all of your assignments indicated above. During Phase 4 you will learn how to manage payments, payment plans and determine your patient collections workflow using statements.