Appointment Type Status

Inactivate an Appointment Type

If an appointment type is no longer needed, follow the instructions below to prevent other users in your office from using that type; there is no way to permanently delete an appointment type. 

  1. Select Appointments > Configuration… > Appointments Types

  2. Use the Show All button to view all appointment types. Or use the Search field to further drill down your search.

  3. Select the Appointment Type.

  4. Place a check in the Make this type inactive checkbox.

  5. Click Save.

Reactivate an Appointment Type

Follow the steps below to reactivate an appointment type.

  1. Select Appointments > Configuration… > Appointments Types

  2. Place a check in the "Include inactive types" box to include inactive appointment types in your search results.

  3. Use the Show All button to view all appointment types. Or use the Search field to further drill down your search. 

  4. Click OK when This appointment type is currently inactive. pop-up displays.

  5. Uncheck the "Make this type inactive" checkbox.

  6. Click Save.