Release 14.10.0 - June 3, 2024

New Features and Updates



  • New Report Fields:  Added three new report fields under Claim Data to categorize claims by whether they have been paid or not. The fields are:
    • Has Payment? Displays "Yes" if the claim has a payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. 
    • Has Patient Payment? Displays "Yes" if the claim has a patient payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. 
    • Has Insurance Payment? Displays "Yes" if the claim has an insurance payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. 

All three have multi-select filters with options for “Select All”, “Yes”, and “No” when added as a filter.


  • New Intake Form Icons in The Scheduler  Added a new right-click option from the scheduler to send forms that have not been sent without having to open the appointment. We also added a right-click option to Apply Forms that have been sent, but not applied.

Furthermore, we added icons to appointments within the scheduler to indicate the status of the forms:

The appointment is for today or later and forms have not been sent or submitted

Intake forms were sent, but the patient hasn’t filled them out yet

Intake forms have been submitted and are ready to apply

 Intake forms were applied

  No Icon

The appointment is in the past and forms were not sent or submitted


  • New Search options within Follow up Management:  Added the ability to search Date of Service and Follow-Up Date by the number of days within Follow-up Management. The new "# of days" filter option will now control all date ranges, similar to how the Patient A/R Control filter is set up.


  • New Ability to Allow Changing the Action Dropdown on ERAs:  Enabled the Action dropdown when reviewing ERAs, allowing users to manually change the Action to Denied so that the charges are set as a Denial (this is still disabled when viewing the Apply report or when viewing a check without editing permissions). 
  • New Ability to Allow Filtering by Issue Type on ERAs:  Updated the ERA results screen to include multi-select dropdowns in place of the existing Errors, Warnings, and Information checkboxes. These dropdowns allow users to filter by specific errors, warnings, or information messages present in the report. Each dropdown only contains a list of issues that are found in the current report.

Customer setup

  • New Setting to Send the Patient Address in Box 32 for Place of Service 12:  Added a new checkbox option under Payer → Billing Options → General → Professional. When selected, the option to "Send the Patient Address in Box 32 for Place of Service 12" will replace Box 32/Loop 2310C with the patient’s home address instead of the facility when the professional claim's POS is 12.