Phase 2 provides an overview of the Interface section followed by training in the Patient, Claim, and Appointment sections (If Applicable). We will check the status of Payer Agreements, and confirm if there are any questions in regards to payer agreements.
In addition, Included service features will be reviewed along with the current account pricing and we will discuss how to configure the settings of the included service features. For example, our Integrated Payment Processing is a feature that is included with all plans and customers that will help drive increased revenue.
In Phase 2 when going over the Interface Section, we will confirm if notification was received by the customer for submitting the integration request within CollaborateMD and/or on the Interface vendor’s website (Practice Fusion ex.) (if Applicable). We will review how the interface functions along with setup and confirm if they are submitting encounters/charges. The Patient Section will then be reviewed and discussed on how to add patients, add insurance information, check eligibility, patient billing information/utilization, print patient ledger/statements, and claims defaults.
We will transition over to the Claim section and discuss Real-Time Claim Submissions including Claim settings at the customer level, how to add a claim, discuss How invoicing is affected by the Rendering Provider Name on the claim, point out the COPAY field needed when utilizing the Unapplied Copay Feature, Claim fields and their functionality, How Claim Scrubbing/Review works (If Applicable), and Batch Printing of claims. We will then turn our attention to the Claim Control section where we will go over reviewing and submitting interface claims, submitting a batch of claims in test, and lastly reviewing Appointments (if applicable).
Dashboard(s) have been explained, added and configured.
The Trainee’s user profile has been properly configured
Security Questions & Call-In Pin
Communication Preferences
Trainee understands Customer Relationship eXperience Management (CRXM) and how to submit feedback.
Owner of the account is listed as the Auth Rep in CollaborateMD as a user.
Customer Setup completed.
Practice(s) have been added with any Defaults configured.
Provider(s) have been added with appropriate bill mode configured.
Referring(s) have been added.
Facility(s) have been added.
Payer(s) have been added and configured as electronic (where applicable).
Completed payer agreement(s) for applicable payers (may be continued in additional phases).
Code(s) and fee schedules have been created as necessary.
Procedure Codes
Diagnosis Codes
ICD Procedure Codes
Revenue Codes
Remittance Codes
Alerts have been explained and how they can be leveraged within the business workflow.
Discussion held on how to add / edit Superbills (If Applicable)
The limitation of this feature only works with files that are saved as a Word 2003 XML Document and Excel files or PDF uploads are not supported.
Discussion held on label management. (If Applicable)
Interface activation process has begun (If Applicable).
Customer(s) have been added
Default payment profile has been configured
Phase 2 call planned and scheduled
Understand Look-up Payer Agreements in CollaborateMD and Connect Center
Document Storage (If Applicable)
Create and Manage Patients
Able to add new patients
Understand Insurance Information, adding of copays to
Understand How to check eligibility
Understand How to print patient Ledger & Statement
Understand Billing Info & Claim defaults
Understand Print & Patient Merge Options
Understand More Options
Perform batch-level items
Interface Tracking for interface claims
Claim Control for interface claims
Batch Print Claims
Batch Eligibility
Add and Manage Claims
Understand Claim Settings and enabling of RTCS
Understand Enabling of Unapplied Copays when claims entered
Understand invoicing by Rendering Provider Name
Understand COPAY field when associated with the Unapplied Copay and functions
Understand Charges and Other field for NDC and CLIA numbers
Understand benefits of fee schedule
Understand Claim Summary vs. Activity, benefits of Alerts
Understand Print Options, Show Preview
Understand More Options
Understand How Claims Scrubbing/Review works (if applicable)
Understand Batch Print Claims
Understand how to submit Test Claims
Managing claims using Claim Control
Understand how to locate/review and submit interface claims
Understand claims in a batch for test
Understand Waiting for Review/Incomplete claims and save filters
Understand Right click capabilities: Show Details or Open Claim/Patient
Understand Submitting claims (Default billing status for payer/code)
Create and manage appointments (if applicable)
Configuration requirements: Resources, Appt Types, and Custom Status & Settings
Create and modify appointments
Create and Manage Block Schedule
Understanding searching for appointments
Understand the benefit of Appointment Reminders
Action 1. Enable and configure your included services in preparation of Patient & Claim setup. These settings will be applied when creating or managing patients, claims and appointments. Be sure to log into Services in Account Administration to locate the features included in your plan or consider add-ons
Managing Included Services
Other Service Options
Action 2. Begin adding your Patients in preparation of creating claims and appointments. Want to skip data entry? Talk to your Implementation Specialist regarding importing Patient using an Interface or Data Conversion
Patient Billing Info & Claim Defaults
Understand how to check Eligibility
Action 3. Begin adding your claims for patients to begin billing claims and understand CMD Best Practices. During Phase 3 we will discuss batch options and how to track claims
Action 4. Maximize the use of your CMD using our scheduler for appointments. If using an EMR/EHR Interface, CMD may be able to automatically create your appointments to remain in sync with your EMR/EHR
Action 5. Monitor the success of your CMD Interface Integration by reviewing Interface Messages in the form of patient, appointments and claims.
In order to successfully complete Phase 2 of your training and move into Phase 3, you must complete all of your assignments indicated above. During Phase 3 you will learn how to track LIVE claims, address rejections and payer denials as well as determine claim follow-up best practices for your business using the application.