Estimate Data holds all information associated with a customer's patient estimates. All of the fields under this category correspond directly with fields found within the Scheduler and Claim section of the application, within the Estimates side panel option.
Name | Description |
Estimate Appointment ID | Displays the unique identifier for an Appointment with an Estimate. This field cannot be seen anywhere in the application but can be used on reports to distinguish one appointment's data from another. |
Estimate Claim ID | Displays the unique identifier of the claim associated with the Estimate. |
Estimate Patient ID | Displays the account number of the patient associated with an Estimate. |
Estimate Create User | Displays the username of the user that created the Estimate. |
Estimate is Due? | Displays "Yes" if the Estimate has been set to "Due Patient." Displays "No" otherwise. |
Is Main Estimate? | Displays "Yes" if the Estimate is the main Estimate. Displays "No" otherwise. |
Estimate Due Date | Associated with the date on which the Estimate payment is due. |
Estimate Entered Date | Displays the date on which the Estimate was added to the system. |
Estimate Amount | Displays the total amount of the Estimate created. |
Estimate Balance | Displays the Estimate's total balance (Amount - payments). |
Estimate Copay | Displays the Estimate's balance associated with the copay. |
Estimate Deductible | Displays the Estimate's balance associated with the deductible. |
Estimate Paid Amount | Displays the total amount paid towards the patient Estimate. |