Updating a Procedure Codes Anesthesia Base Units

  1. Select Customer Setup > Codes... > Procedure Codes.

  2. Use the Search field to find the procedure code by the CPT/HCPCS code or description. Or use the Show All button to view all codes in your local list. 

    Place a check in the Include inactive codes box to include inactive codes in your search results.

  3. Select the Procedure Code.

  4. Under Claim Defaults locate:

    1. Use anesthesia base units from the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Place a check in this box to use the MPFS's anesthesia base units when a claim is created. Alternatively, you can manually enter the base units (per minute) if they are different for this code.
    2. Optional: You can manually enter the base units if they are different for this code.
  5. Click Save