New Features and Updates
- New Balance Due Insurance Optional Column: Some healthcare providers rarely bill patients directly, instead focusing primarily on the balance owed by insurance companies rather than the patient's balance. The patient search screen (results dialog) already displayed the balance owed by insurance, but this information was not shown in the recently opened table. In this release, We added the Balance Due Insurance as an optional column (hidden by default) within the Patient Search screen's Recently Opened list.
New A/R Control Filters Related To Payment Portal Invites: We recently added an option to Send Payment Portal Invites as a batch action from Patient A/R Control. In this release, we added new filters within A/R Control to determine whether or not a patient has enrolled with the payment portal. Customers can now search by a new Date Search Option "Days Since Last Payment Portal Invite Sent," or by the Claim Search Option "Payment Portal Status" (Invitation Not Sent, Invitation Sent but Not Registered, Registered).
For more information on determining if patients have enrolled in the payment portal, please visit our Search For Patient Balances Help Article.
- Updated the Claim Search Capability: When users receive communication from the payer about a claim, it often includes the payer’s claim number: the ICN (Internal Control Number), Claim Control Number, or Original Reference #. These numbers are automatically populated on the claim after the ERA is applied, so the ability to find claims by the ICN is a great tool to have when working on appeals. In this release, we updated the Claim Search capability to include searching by all three claim control numbers, making it easier to locate specific claims during the appeals process.
- New Optional Column For Document Count: We added a new optional column (hidden by default) to the Claim, Patient, and Payment sections that display a count of the documents associated with each item. This column helps indicate if a patient, claim, or payment has a document association before opening it.
Please note that this column option will only appear on the search screen after a search is performed, not on the Recently Opened List.
- Updated The Refund Receipts: Previously, when refund receipts were generated, they appeared identical to a standard receipt, except that the refund amount was displayed within parentheses. To make these receipts more easily identifiable and comprehensible, we modified the refund receipt by adding the word "Refund" to the text and displaying negative numbers with a negative symbol instead of using parentheses, making it clearer.