Customize Your Timeline

The Timeline section shows current and past due items that need attention. The types of tasks shown in the Timeline are initially based on the user's permissions but can be customized by the user. Each task includes the ability to "drill through" to another area of the application in order to take additional actions.

Follow the steps below to customize your timeline. 

  1. Select Home > Welcome.

  2. Click Customize (top right corner).

  3. Select the "Build your Welcome page" radio button.

  4. Click the Timeline tab.

Selecting a user's function/duties (Reception/ Front Desk, Scheduling, Coding, Billing Collection, Insurance Payment Posting, Patient Payment Posting, Management) will automatically include all the timeline options associated with it.

Make your timeline selections:    

If the user cannot perform the action based on his/her permissions, no data will be shown for that action on the timeline. 

  1. Reception/Front Desk: Selecting this option will add the Appointments that need attention and Today's appointments shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Appointments that need attention: Check this option to be able to see any appointments that need attention (appointments that haven't been confirmed, with incomplete patient records, without up-to-date insurance, etc.).

    2. Today's appointments: Check this option to be able to quickly see the scheduled patient appointments for the day.

    3. Appointments without Estimates: Check this option to be able to quickly see the scheduled patient appointments that do not have any patient estimates.

    4. Appointments with Estimate Balance: Check this option to be able to quickly see the scheduled patient appointments that have a patient estimate balance.

    5. Appointments with unfilled intake forms: Check this option to be able to quickly see the scheduled patient appointments that have any patient intake forms that have been sent out but not yet filled out by the patient.

  2. Scheduling: Selecting this option will add the Waiting list: Next 7 Days and Appointments that need eligibility checks shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Waiting list: Next 7 Days: Check this option to be able to quickly identify patients that are in the appointment waiting list within the next 7 days.

    2. Appointments that need eligibility checks: Check this option to be able to quickly identify scheduled appointments where the patient needs eligibility checked.

  3. Coding: Selecting this option will add the Interface errors, Incomplete Claims, Claims waiting for review,  and Visits without claims shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Interface errors: Check this option to be able to quickly check any interface messages with errors.

    2. Incomplete Claims: Check this option to be able to quickly identify and fix any incomplete claims.

    3. Claims waiting for review: Check this option to be able to quickly find claims that are in the charge status of "waiting for review."

    4. Visits without claims: Check this option to be able to quickly identify appointments that don't have any charges yet.

    5. Appointments with unapplied intake forms: Check this option to be able to quickly see the scheduled patient appointments that have any patient intake forms that have been completed by the patient, but not applied.

  4. Billing: Selecting this option will add the Claims rejections, Claim denials, Claims not billed, Claims without follow up dates , and Claims not acknowledged by payer shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Claim rejections: Check this option to be able to quickly find claim rejections.

    2. Claim denials: Check this option to be able to quickly find claim denials.

    3. Claims without follow up dates: Check this option to be able to quickly find claims that don't have a follow-up date.

    4. Claims not billed: Check this option to be able to quickly find claims that haven't been billed yet.

    5. Claims not acknowledged by payer: Check this option to be able to quickly find claims that have not been acknowledged as received by the payer.
    6. Claims at status: Check this option to be able to quickly find claims that are at a specific status. Select the Claim Status(es) from the list and you will see one entry in the timeline per selected status.
  5. Collection: Selecting this option will add the Statement errors, Patients who haven't received statements or FDNs recently and Patients with a balance over 120 days old shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Statement errors: Check this option to be able to quickly find errored (automated) patient statements.

    2. Patients who haven't received statements or FDNs recently: Check this option to be able to quickly find patients with balances that haven't received statements recently.

    3. Patients with a balance over 120 days old: Check this option to be able to quickly find patients with a balance due over 120 days old.

  6. Patient Payment Posting: electing this option will add the Available credits shortcut to your timeline.  

    1. Available credits: Check this option to be able to quickly find patients with available credits.

  7. Accounting: Selecting this option will add the Open Charges set to PAID, Invoice due, Run reports, and Hard close shortcuts to your timeline.  

    1. Open Charges set to PAID: Check this option to be able to quickly find patients with available credits

    2. Invoice due: Check this option to be able to quickly see when an invoice is due.

    3. Run reports: Check this option to be able to quickly find and run selected reports from the welcome screen.

    4. Hard closeCheck this option to be able to quickly see the Hard Close data (monthly, quarterly, or yearly).

  8. Click  Save.