Apply Automatically

Selecting this option will allow you to automatically distribute the payment towards outstanding charges or payment plans.

After adding the patient payment, follow the steps below to apply the payment automatically. 

  1. Click the Apply Automatically button.

  2. Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:

    Want more control applying payments automatically? Select additional payment options by placing a check in: 

    • Show a preview: View a preview of how your payment will be applied
    • Include Debits: Include debit codes when applying the payment
    • Include Dependent Transactions: Include charges from any dependent patients.
    1. Apply charges to DUE PATIENT (starting with the oldest): This option will apply the payment to the oldest charges that are set to “Balance Due Patient” or "Pending Patient."

    2. Apply to charges DUE INSURANCE (starting with the oldest): This option will apply the payment to the oldest charges that are set to “Due Insurance” or "Pending Payer."

    3. Apply to charges at COLLECTION (starting with the oldest): This option will apply the payment to the oldest charges that are set to “Collection or Collection Agency.

    4. Apply to PAYMENT PLANS: This option will apply the payment to the oldest installments associated with the patient’s payment plan. For more information please reference the Payment Plan Help Article.

      Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.

  1. Optional: If the payment amount is greater than the patient's outstanding balance, an account credit will be created with the leftover amount.

    1. Due To: Select who the credit will be due to (Patient or Insurance).

    2. Memo: By default, the memo line will automatically appear as an account credit and can be modified as deemed necessary.

    3. Provider: For reporting purposes, select the Provider the payment will be posted under.

    4. Office: For reporting purposes, select the Office Location the payment will be posted under.

    5. Click Save.