Payer Data

Payer Data

Payer Data holds all payer information under a customer's account. All of the fields under this category correspond directly with fields found within the Payer section of the application. 

 Name Description
Payer IDThe unique identifier for a Payer, as seen in the "Sequence#" field.
Address Line 1Associated with the first "Address" field.
Address Line 2Associated with the second Address" field.
CityAssociated with the "City" field.
Claim Office #Associated with the '"Claim Office #" field.
Eligibility CPIDAssociated with the "Eligibility CPID" field.
EmailAssociated with the "Email" field.
Group NumberAssociated with the "Group Number" field.
Inactive?Displays "Yes" if the "Check Here To Make The Payer Inactive" option is selected. Otherwise, this field will display "No".
Institutional CPIDAssociated with the "Institutional Claims CPID" field.
Medigap #Associated with the 'Payer Id/Medigap #" field.
NameAssociated with the "Payer Name" field.
Name w/ IDDisplays the Payer Name followed by the Payer's ID.
OCNAAssociated with the "OCNA" field.
POS CodeDisplays the selected option in the "POS"  selection field.
Payer TypeDisplays the selected option in the "Payer Type" selection field.
Plan NameAssociated with the "Plan Name" field.
Process ModeDisplays the selected option in the "Server Processing Mode" selection field.
Professional CPIDAssociated with the "Profession Claims CPID" field.
StateAssociated with the "State" field.
Uses Alt Practice Info?Displays "Yes" if the "User alternative practice info?" option is selected. Otherwise, this field will display "No".
Fax NumberAssociated with the "Fax #" field.
Phone NumberAssociated with the "Phone #" field.
Zip CodeAssociated with the "ZipCode" field.

Alternate Practice Info

The Alternative Practice Info sub-category, found under Payer Data, corresponds to the alternative practice info information set on payer records. 

 Name Description
Address Line 1Associated with the first "Address" field.
Address Line 2Associated with the second "Address" field.
CityAssociated with the "City" field.
NPIAssociated with the "NPI" field.
NameAssociated with the "Name" field.
StateAssociated with the "State" field.
Tax IDAssociated with the "Tax ID" field.
Zip CodeAssociated with the "ZipCode" field.