Best used to: Stay on top of action items such as outstanding claims, unapplied ERAs and statements that are relevant to your role in CollaborateMD.
Designed for: Billers & Payment Posters
Filters: N/A
Drill Down: N/A
Details: Managing your account by jumping from section to section can be time-consuming and distracting. The To-Do List gadget will help keep even the busiest billers and payment posters on track by providing a real-time, summarized list of action items, catered to your role in CollaborateMD.
Drill Through: Click on the title to be brought to the screen/section to complete the action.
The below items only display data for the last thirty (30) days:
Unapplied ERAs
Unresolved claim rejections
Unresolved interface errors
Unresolved statement errors
Claim follow-ups
All drill-through capabilities require permission(s) to the corresponding section(s) of the application.