View Individual Clearinghouse Reports

Are you looking to review a Clearinghouse report for a specific claim to prove timely filing or review a specific rejection? Search for the claim within claim tracker and quickly locate all reports related to that claim.

  1. Select Claim > Claim Tracker.

  2. Enter your Search Criteria or Load a Search Filter.

  3. Optional: Click on the  icon to edit your search criteria.

  4. Once the results load place a checkmark in the Expand All box click on the arrow next to the Claim to see more claim details.

  5. Optional: Click the triangle node next to each claim to expand individually.

  6. Right-click on an Information message row, and select View Reports.

  7. Enter your Search Criteria.

    1. Use the Report Date field to filter your search results for clearinghouse reports within the selected date range.

    2. Use the Report Contains field to filter clearinghouse reports based on the entered text.

  8. Click Search.  

  9. Click on the report you want to view.

  10. You are able to interact with the search results by right-clicking on a row.

    1. Copy: Copies the claim information to your clipboard.

    2. Open Report: Opens the selected report.

    3. Mark as Reviewed: Marked the selected report as reviewed.