Follow the steps below to batch print superbills.
Select Appointments > Superbill Batch Print.
Enter your Search Criteria or Load a Superbill Filter.
Use the Appointment Date option to select the date of the appointments to print superbills for.
Use the Department drop-down menu to select the department from the scheduler to print superbills for.
Use the Resource drop-down menu to select the resource from the scheduler to print superbills for.
Use the Provider drop-down menu to select the provider to print superbills for.
Use the Facility drop-down menu to select the facility to print superbills for.
Use the Appointment Status drop-down menu to select a specific appointment status to print superbills for.
Appointment Statuses flagged as Inactive or Deleted (Cancelled, Deleted, Rescheduled, etc.) will not show up as appointment status options to print superbills.
Use the Appointment Type drop-down menu to select a specific appointment type to print superbills for.
Click the Search button.
Optional: Click on the
icon to edit your search criteria
You’re able to interact with the search results by right-clicking on a row.
Copy: Copies the patient’s information to your clipboard.
Open Appointment: Opens the selected patient’s record in the patient screen.
Place a check in the box next to the Patient/Appt row(s) you wish to print.
Click Print.
Superbills will print in the order that they appear within the table.
When the All Superbill search window opens, select the superbill type to print.
The Superbill will appear in a new tab, while the form based superbills will download a file that can be opened in Microsoft Word.
To Print, Ctrl+p / Cmnd+p or right click and select Print.
Click Close.
Once printed the checkbox will be replaced by a printer
symbol that will mark it as “printed.” One or more superbills previously printed can be reprinted by right clicking on the print icon.