In the event an ERA has been applied manually, you are able to mark the ERA as applied by following the steps below.
Select Payment > ERA.
Enter your Search Criteria.
Place a check the Included applied checkbox to include already posted ERAs.
Use the ERA Received Date option to filter your results based on when the ERA was received by CMD.
Use the Other Search field to filter your results based on the check#, Patient Last Name or TCN#.
Use the Payer Name field to filter your results based on the payer name associated with the ERA.
Use the Check Date option to filter your results based on the check date on the ERA.
Use the Check Amount to filter your results based on the check amount on the ERA.
Click the Search button.
Optional: Click on the icon to edit your search criteria.
Locate an ERA from the list.
Place a check in the box under the Applied column.
Click Mark Check as Applied Manually.
This payment will now be marked as Manually Applied.
To mark the ERA as unapplied, uncheck the Applied box and click Mark Check as Unapplied.
If the payment has been auto-applied with the ERA, the checks must be deleted first before marking the ERA as unapplied.