Claim Data

Claim Data holds all information related to claims within a customer's account. 

 Name Description
Claim IDDisplays the unique identifier of a particular claim.
Facility IDDisplays the unique identifier of the facility associated with a claim. If no facility is associated with the claim, this field will display 0.
Office IDDisplays the unique identifier of the office location associated with the claim. If no office location is associated with the claim, this field will display 0.
Patient IDDisplays the account number of the patient associated with a claim.
Practice IDDisplays the unique identifier of the practice associated with a claim
Referring Provider IDDisplays the unique identifier of the referring provider associated with a claim.
Rendering Provider IDDisplays the unique identifier of the rendering provider associated with a claim. 
Created by Interface?
Displays "Yes" if the claim was created by an interface. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are created by an interface.
Current Payer PriorityDisplays the priority of the current payer on the claim. This  means:

  • If the current payer is the primary payer, this field will display "Primary".
  • If the current payer is the secondary payer, this field will display "Secondary".
  • If the current payer is the tertiary payer, this field will display "Tertiary".
  • If the claim is not currently at a payer, this field will display 'None".
Delete UserDisplays the username of the user that deleted the claim.
Deleted?Displays "Yes" if the claim has been marked as deleted. Displays "No" otherwise. It's best practice to use this as a static filter set to "No" to ensure deleted claims are not displayed on reports.
Has Estimate?
Displays "Yes" if there is an Estimate in the system that is associated with the claim. Displays "No" otherwise.
Has Facility?Displays "Yes" if the claim has a Facility associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with a Facility.
Has Followup?
Displays "Yes" if the claim has a Follow-up associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with follow ups.
Has Insurance Payment?
Displays "Yes" if the claim has an insurance payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with insurance payments.
Has Patient Payment?
Displays "Yes" if the claim has a patient payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with patient payments.
Has Payment?
Displays "Yes" if the claim has a payment associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with any payments.
Has Referring?Displays "Yes" if the claim has a Referring Provider associated with it. Displays "No" otherwise. This can be useful as a filter to only show claims that are associated with a Referring Provider.
ICD ListDisplays a list of all the claim's ICD codes, one after another.
Incomplete?Displays "Yes" if the claim "Incomplete" option is selected on the claim. Displays "No" otherwise.
Last Public Claim Follow-Up NoteDisplays the most recent follow-up note associated with a claim (as long as the note is not restricted to being visible by only certain users).
Last Public Claim Follow-Up Note Create User
Displays the user that created the most recent follow-up note associated with a claim (as long as the note is not restricted to being visible by only certain users).
Reference #Displays the data entered in the Reference # field on the claim, if applicable.
TypeDisplays this claim's type, which can be one of the following:

  • Professional
  • Institutional
UsernameDisplays the username of the user that last created/altered the claim.
Date EnteredDisplays the date that this claim was entered into the application.
Delete DateDisplays the date the this claim was deleted.
Followup DateDisplays the Followup Date of the claim.
From DateDisplays the From Date of the claim.
Set to Status DueDisplays the date that this claim's status was last updated.
To DateDisplays the To Date of the claim.
Amount PaidDisplays the total amount that has been paid on this claim.
BalanceDisplays the total amount of this claim that is still outstanding.
Copay AppliedDisplays the how much of the copay has been applied to this claim.
Copay Due
Displays the total copay due amount for this claim.
Copay Remaining
Displays the remaining copay amount for this claim.
Total AmountDisplays the original total amount of charges on the claim.