What's the name of your clearinghouse?
The name of our clearinghouse is eProvider Solutions (ePS).
How do I determine which payer to choose from?
There are a couple of factors to look for:
Ensure the Payer ID# field matches the payer ID.
If you will participate in ERAs, ensure the ERA column is checked.
Why isn't my payer's address in the Master List?
CollaborateMD does not supply nor update payer addresses, as many payers have various addresses. You can typically find these addresses by contacting the payer, visiting the payer’s website, or on the back of that patient's insurance card.
When does my session time out?
We know, sometimes you are busy and get pulled into other projects or have to step away from your desk. Your Session in CollaborateMD will lock after fifteen (15) minutes of inactivity. Once you enter your password, you'll be returned to the last viewed screen with any opened records, reports, etc restored.
For security purposes, if you are inactivity for longer than ninety (90) minutes, you'll be completely logged out of CollaborateMD and any unsaved records or work would be lost.