What does the statement fee include?
Unlimited pages for one patient statement, the postage to send, a full-color patient-friendly template, you can upload a logo, a return envelope for the patient (not their postage), and the USPS Fast Forward Service (forwarding addresses).
Are the statements sent via statement automation perforated?
Yes. Our statements are perforated when sent through statement automation so that a part may be torn off easily.
Can I print a sample statement to see what it will look like?
Printing a sample statement with actual data is not available at this time. However, each of our templates contains sample data (e.g., logo, text, etc.) depicting the exact placement and suggested statement verbiage.
Where can I view a copy of the statement sent to a patient?
Statements can be viewed the day after the statements are sent in the Statement Tracker screen.
Will I lose my template setting if I enable or disable statement automation?
No - Once a template option is configured and saved, the settings are stored in your account.
How do I remove the Payment Portal option displayed within the template?
The Payment Portal payment method is only displayed if you have activated the Integrated Payment Processing feature.
When batch printing statements there is a 'Page #' column; what does this represent?
This field represents the page number that the particular patient will start on. This can be compared to chapters in a book (e.g., Patient John Doe's statement will start on Page 5).