You can edit any custom claim status you create, but cannot change the default claim statuses provided by the CollaborateMD software.
Select Customer Setup > Customization > Custom Claim Statuses.
Click the Edit button.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the blank field (last line).
Type your custom status in the field.
Use the Due To drop-down menu to control who is responsible for any outstanding balance.
Patient: Any remaining balance for any charges assigned to this status will contribute to the patient balance.
Insurance: Any remaining balance for any charges assigned to this status will contribute to the insurance balance.
None: Any remaining balance for any charges assigned to this status is not counted towards any insurance or patient balance.
Checking the Use Payer box will replace the word Insurance with the actual insurance name when assigned to a charge.
For example, "Charge Due Insurance" would display as "Charge Due Florida Medicare", if assigned to a Medicare Claim.
Placing a check in the Restricted box will limit access to only users with the “Set Restricted Claim Status” permission.
Click Save.