Name | Description |
Last Payment Entered | Displays the Entered Date of the last payment on this charge. |
Last Payment Received | Displays the Received Date of the last payment on this charge. |
Insurance Payments | Displays the total amount of insurance payments associated with this charge. |
Patient Payments | Displays the total amount of non-deleted patient payments associated with the charge. The amount displayed in this field is the same that would be displayed if the user were to sum the "Amount" field (found under Credit Data) under the following conditions:
Patient Payments (w/o Co-pays) | Displays the total amount of non-deleted patient payments, excluding patient co-pays, associated with the charge. The amount displayed in this field is the same that would be displayed if the user were to sum the "Total Applied" field (found under Credit Data) under the following conditions:
Total Patient Co-pays | Displays the total amount of all patient co-pays associated with this charge. |
Total Payments | Displays the total amount of all payments associated with this charge. |
Total Transfers | Displays the total amount of transfers associated with this charge. That is, the total amount of account credits that have been applied toward this charge. |
Insurance Transfers | Displays insurance transfers associated with this charge. That is, any insurance account credits that have been applied toward this charge. |
Patient Transfers | Displays patient transfers associated with this charge. That is, any patient account credits that have been applied toward this charge. |