Select Appointments > Appointment Control.
Enter your Search Criteria or Load a Search Filter.
Use the Appointment Date drop-down menu to filter by the date or date range of the appointment.
Use the Resource drop-down menu to filter the search by a specific resource (doctor, room, etc.).
Use the Practice drop-down menu to filter the search by a specific practice (if multiple practices are available).
Use the Provider drop-down menu to filter the search by a specific provider (appointments for a specific doctor).
Use the Facility drop-down menu to filter the search by a specific Facility (appointments at a different location).
Use the Office Location drop-down menu to filter the search by a specific location or office.
Use the Appointment Status drop-down menu to filter the search by the status of the appointment (new patient, confirmed, no show, etc.).
Use the Appointment Type drop-down menu to filter the search by the appointment type (follow up, new patient, consult, etc.).
Use the Patient field to filter the search by the exact patient the appointment is associated with.
Place a check in the Include Blocks box to include appointment blocks in the search.
You are able to select multiple options from the drop-down filters types at once.
Click the Search button.
Optional: Click on the
icon to edit your search criteria.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
To Update the Status of an appointment, place a check in the box next to the appointment(s) you would like to update and click the Update Status button to select a new status.
Click Update on the pop up to confirm and automatically update.
You’re able to interact with the specific search results by right-clicking on a row.
Copy: Copies the selected row to your clipboard.
Open Appointment: Opens the selected appointment.
Open Patient: Opens the patient’s record associated with the selected appointment.
You can move or hide specific columns within the result window by right-clicking the column header.
Click Close to exit the results once finished.