When posting a co-pay that will result in a credit, will the system set the credit to the right credit source?
Yes, if the payment being entered is causing an overpayment on the account, the system will set the credit due to the respective credit source; whomever made the over payment (i.e., the patient or insurance). You can always change who the credit is due to within the Manage Credits tab. The system will create a credit due to within the Manage Credits screen or within the Payment window while the payment is being posted.
Can secondary claims be sent electronically vs. paper claim through ERA?
Claims can be submitted to the secondary insurance electronically by simply changing the status of the claim to "Send to Payer via Clearinghouse" within the Payment window. For more information please reference how to send claims to secondary or tertiary insurance.
If an ERA indicates that the claim was forwarded to the secondary payer, will CMD automatically forward the claim?
When the Payer has indicated on the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) that the claim has been forwarded as a cross-over claim, CollaborateMD will set the claim status to "Claim at Secondary Payer." If the application sets the status to "Send to the next Payer", the claim would deny for duplication as it was already received. For more information please reference how to send claims to secondary or tertiary insurance.
Is there a way to delete a check that was posted via ERA and re-apply it?
You're able to delete checks; however, once it has been deleted you are not able to re-apply it automatically. It will need to be manually posted to the insurance payment.
Can an Inactive Provider in CMD receive ERAs?
No. If a Provider (submitter) is inactive in CollaborateMD, it will no longer receive ERAs in the application.