This Account Setting allows you to set a hard close date within a customer account. A hard close is a strict deadline after which all transactions during a specified period have been entered and reconciled. After a hard close, no transactions received during that period can be changed, and no new transactions that were received during that period can be entered.
Who Can Use This Feature?
Auth Reps are able to remove the Hard Close date or set it to a past/future date.
Admins are able to can update the Hard Close date to a new future date.
Users with the Hard Close permission set to Update can update the Hard Close date to a new future date.
Users with the Hard Close permission set to Administer can remove the Hard Close date, or set it to a past date, allowing users to change transactions that were previously closed.
Select Payment > Settings.
Click the Edit button.
Hard Close (or, close the books on) financial transactions?
If set to Yes, this will allow users to select a hard close date for financial transactions in order to "close the books" on the specified date.
To add/update the Hard Close Date, click the
icon and use the calendar to select a date.
Exclude charges and debits from Hard Close? When the Hard Close date is set, charges and debits will still be available to enter or edit for the closed period.
If set to Yes, this will allow users to enter or edit (override) charges and debits for the Hard Close period.
Click Save.
Financial details for charges, payments, and credits may not be entered, modified, or deleted if they took place on or before the Close Out Date.
For More information visit our Hard Month Close FAQs.