Send To Payer Via Clearinghouse: Claim/Charge(s) will be sent to the payer according to your Real Time Claim Submission Settings (RTCS).
User Print & Mail to Payer: Claim/Charge(s) in this status can be printed individually or in a group via the Claim Batch screen.
Balance Due Patient: Outstanding Claim/Charge(s) balances with this status are added to the patient balance and are included in patient statements.
On Hold: The Claim/Charge(s) is on hold and will not leave the system. This status should be used if further actions are required on this before sending to the payer.
Claim at Payer: The Claim/Charge(s) is at the payer. Claims/Charges are automatically set to this status after being sent to the payer or printed from the application.
Incomplete: The Claim is not complete and will not leave the system. Claims will automatically be set to this status if the claim or patient record are missing required fields (Note: Users are not able to manually set a charge to a status of incomplete).
Pending Payer: Outstanding Claim/Charge(s) balances with this status are added to the Insurance balance.
Pending Patient: Outstanding Claim/Charge(s) balances with this status are added to the patient balance, but are not included in statements. This is helpful if you are waiting for a patient payment, but don’t want to send them a statement.
Pending Physician: Hold status for Claims/Charges(s) that are pending the office/provider.
Collection: Removes Charge Balance(s) from AR. We recommend using this status if the outstanding balance has been transferred to internal collections or an external collections agency..
Paid: The Claim/Charge(s) has been paid.
Deleted: Deletes the Claim/Charge(s) upon saving the claim.
Waiting for Review: The Claim/Charge(s) needs to be reviewed and status updated before it will be sent to the payer. Claims created via an interface will be left in this status.
Appeal at Payer: This Claim/Charge(s) is being appealed by the payer.
Denied at Payer: The Claim/Charge were denied by the payer.
- Rejected At Clearinghouse: The Claim/Charge(s) were rejected by the clearinghouse.