The Secondary Insured sub-category, found under Patient Data, corresponds to the insured's information associated with the Secondary Payer. This can be configured within the Patient section of the application under Insurance > Secondary Payer > Insured.
Name | Description |
Account Number | The account number of the insured patient. If the current patient is not a dependent, this field will display 0. |
Address Line 1 | Associated with the first Address field. |
Address Line 2 | Associated with the second Address field. |
Cell Phone | Associated with the Cell# field. |
City | Associated with the City field. |
Associated with the Email field. | |
First Name | Associated with the First field. |
Full Name | Displays the insured's full name in the following format: [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Initial]. If for some reason there is no last name or first name on record for the insured, no comma will be displayed. Example: Smith, John q |
Full Name w/ ID | Displays the insured's full name followed by their account number (if one exists) using the following format: [Last Name], [First Name] [Middle Initial] ([Account Number]). Example: Smith, John Q. (12345678) |
Gender | Displays the selected option in the Sex selection field. |
Home Phone | Associated with the Home# field. |
Last Name | Associated with the Last Name field. |
Middle Initial | Associated with the MI field. |
Relationship | Displays the selected option in the Patient relationship to the insured? selection field. |
State | Associated with the State field. |
Work Extension | Associated with the Ext. field. |
Work Phone | Associated with the Work# field. |
Birthday | Associated with the Birthdate field. |
SSN | Associated with the SS# field. |
Zip Code | Associated with the Zipcode field. |