Description: The Activity Summary Report shows a total of all charges & debits, insurance & patient payments and adjustments along with the change in A/R. This report also displays all of the above data separately. Data is displayed based on charge from date and payment/adjustment received date, or charge entered date and payment/adjustment entered date. This report is best used as a way to see a net total of outstanding charges and incoming payments/adjustments within a given time frame.
Limitations: Does not include deleted charges, payments, or adjustments. Does not include incomplete charges or debits. Does not include information regarding account credits.
Important Note: All charge totals shown and all payment/adjustment totals shown are not necessarily related to one another. That is, payments and adjustments may be included in the totals that are not related with charges included in the report's total. This is done as a way to show the net charge in A/R for the given time frame.