Print or Send Statements & Patient Info

From within the patients section you are able to print out a Patient Ledger, Statement, Superbill and/or labels for your specific patients. 

If you are needing to print on the batch level, please refer to our sSuperbill Batch Print, Statement Batch Print or the Label Batch Print Help Articles.

Print Patient Info Sheet & Ledger

The Patient Info Sheet and Ledger contains a list of all of the patient's activity. You can quickly print out a list of the patient's insurance info, claim, appointment, payment and statement history. Use filters to quickly load the print the data you want to see.

Who can use this feature?

Users with the Patient Activity permission.


Send Electronic Patient Statements
Important  Note : You must have the  In-App Credit Card processing and the Patient Payment Portal features   enabled and configured in order to use electronic statements.  For more information on turning these services on, please visit our ...