Manually Upload an ERA

Who can upload ERA files?

Users with the ERA Auto Apply permission and the ERA Upload permission.

Certain payers don't work with clearinghouses to send electronic remittances (835 files) and Instead, our users receive the files manually. This new feature allows customers to manually upload 835 files received outside of the clearinghouse connection within the ERA screen in order to auto-apply files. 

Billing Services MUST enable the Manual ERA Upload feature and agree to the invoicing charges for ERAs before they can manually upload ERAs. This feature is located in the Services section, under Ad-On-Services.  

Visit our Manually Uploading ERA's FAQ  for more information on this feature.

  1. Select Payment > ERA.

  2. Click the Upload ERA button.

  3. Use the File to Import field to select the file to upload. 

    Need to upload multiple 835 files? You can save time by selecting multiple ERAs to upload at the same time instead of one by one.

  4. Locate the file(s) you would like to upload from your computer.

  5. Click Upload.

  6. Click OK when the “ Your ERA has been successfully uploaded. Search for ERA files received today to view or apply the ERA.” pop-up displays.   

    Important: Standard ERA fees will apply.  ERA files must contain valid and complete information as specified in the 835 X 12 ANSI guide. 

    For more information visit our Manually Uploading ERA's FAQs.