New Features and Updates
User Management
- New User Password and Password Reset Enhancement: Updated the new user creation process within the User Management to email the user a link to access the application and set their password. This will replace the temporary password that was displayed when saving the user. The link sent will only be valid for 24 hours but an Admin or Auth Rep can resend it at any time within the User Management screen. As part of this enhancement, the email field will now be required when creating a new user.
The password reset process within the User Management was also updated such that a reset link will be emailed to the user rather than generating and displaying a temporary password. When resetting a user's password, the Admin or Auth Rep will be given an option to update the email address associated with the user. An email with an invitation link to reset the password will be sent to the user. The reset link will last 30 minutes. If not used to reset the password within the timeframe, the Admin or Auth Rep will have to resend the invitation.
- New Appointment Block Templates: Added an enhancement to the functionality of appointment blocks, as well as the ability to create and use block templates within the scheduler. Blocks will show in the background behind appointments and can be set up with rules that enforce what kinds of appointments can be scheduled at the same time as the block. Block colors and titles will allow users to set rules and easily see what types of appointments are allowed during each time period.
- Appointment Reminder Enhancement: Updated the Appointment screen to show details for all appointment reminders sent for the current appointment including when it was sent, where it was sent (phone # or email address), and if there was an error delivering the reminder.
- Appointment Reminder Configuration Enhancement: Added the ability to include a confirmation link within the appointment reminder text message sent to patients. When configured, this will allow them to confirm the appointment by clicking the link instead of replying to the message.
Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
Patient A/R Control
- Charge Status Filter Update: Updated the Charge Status filter within the Patient A/R Control screen to no longer limit the charges returned in the results based on status when no selection is made. Previously, if the filter was blank the results would be limited to the results that were returned to only those due patient, pending patient, collection, or at insurance.
Customer Setup
- Practice Screen Requirement Update: Updated the Practice screen to require the NPI and taxonomy code to be present in order to save. This information is now required as part of the clearinghouse registration process.
Customer Setup
- Copying Custom Info Lines Process Update: Updated the process for copying custom info lines from one customer to another such that it follows the same workflow as the copying custom claim statuses; allowing the user to go back and forth between selecting what records to copy and the options for adding or replacing the existing items in the other customer.