Resource Data

Resource Data holds all information associated with Appointment Resources. All of the fields within this category correspond directly with the fields within the Resource section under Appointments.

 Name Description
Facility IDThe unique identifier of the Facility associated with the Resource.
Office ID
The unique identifier of the office associated with the Resource.
Practice ID
The unique identifier of the Practice associated with the Resource.
Provider ID
The unique identifier of the Provider associated with the Resource (When the Resource type is set to Provider).
Resource ID
The unique identifier for a Resource. This field cannot be seen anywhere in the application but can be used on reports to distinguish one resource's data from another.
Associated with the "Code" field. This will display the actual resource code.
Department Name
Displays the name of the Department associated with the Resource.
Displays "Yes" if the "Inactivate Resource" option is selected.
Displays the name entered in the Resource "Name" field.
Send Reminders?
Displays "Yes" if the “Disable appointment reminders” option is not selected. Displays "No" otherwise.
Displays the chosen option in the "Resource Type" selection field (Provider or Practice).
Department ID
The unique identifier of the Department associated with the Resource.