Follow the steps below to add a Discount Adjustment Code.
Select Customer Setup > Codes… > Adjustment.
Click the New Adjustment Code button.
Add a short Code that will help you quickly identify the adjustment reason.
For example, SELF (Self Pay Discount), 50OFF (50 Percent Off), or HRDSHP (Financial Hardship).
Use the Type drop-down to select the Adjustment Type.
Select Discount: Used when you want to give a patient a discount which can either reduce their balance by giving the patient a credit in the form of a percentage or a fixed amount. (e.g., family/friend discounts, timely filing, financial hardship) .
Write a full Description for this code.
Select one of the 3 options under Discount Setup:
Percentage of Charge Amount: This credit is a discount that can be calculated as a percentage of the original charge amount.
Percentage of Charge Balance: This credit is a discount that can be calculated as a percentage of the total charge balance.
Fixed Amount: This credit is a discount that can be added as a fixed dollar amount.
Enter the percentage or fixed amount to be discounted.
Optional: Place a check in the Automatically apply this discount for Prompt Payment box if you want the discount to apply automatically if paid promptly. Visit our Create a Prompt Payment Discount Help Article for detailed steps on creating a prompt payment discount code.
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