View a Patient Payment

Who can use this feature?

Users with the Patient Payment permission.

View how a patient payment was applied to any charges of payment plans. 

  1. Select Payment > View.

  2. Fill in the option for Patient Payment.

  3. Use the Patient field to locate the patient by entering the search criteria (e.g., Name, DOB, account #, member ID, or phone #) and click the Search button.

  4. In the alternate Search field, enter the search criteria (e.g., check/ref. #, payment amount, etc.).

  5. Optional: Include Additional Options in your search criteria, such as, Received Date, or Payment Type (Copay, Payment). 

  6. Click the Search button. 

  7. A Patient Payment window will open with a quick view of any payments made by the selected patient. 

  8. Place a check in the box next to the Patient Payment(s) that meet your criteria > Click Select.

    You can open up to 5 payments at a time.

  9. The  Payment from [Patient] tab(s) will display the payment information.

    1. Clicking on the Patient's Name link will open up the patient’s record.

    2. Clicking on the Details link will display more information on the payment. 

    3. Clicking on the Show Charges link will display the changes this payment was posted to.