Print Patient Info Sheet & Ledger (Activity)

Only the first defaulted payer for each priority (i.e., Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) will be displayed on the patient info sheet.

Follow the steps below to print an info sheet and ledger for a patient.

  1. Select Patient > Patient.

  2. Use the Search field to search through your patients. 

    Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.

  3. Select the Patient.

  4. Click the Print button.

  5. Select Patient Info Sheet & Ledger.

  6. Use the checkboxes to determine what information should be displayed on the infosheet and/or ledger.

    • Patient Info Sheet: Check this box to select what patient information to include on the printout (patient info, insured info, notes, notepad, etc.).

      • Include patient information: Check this box to include the patient’s information (gender, address, phone number, employer, etc.).

      • Include insured information: Check this box to include the insured’s information (payer, Insured, plan, group#, etc.).

      • Include notes: Check this box to include notes on the patients account (you can choose a date or date range for the notes to be included).

      • Include notepad: Check this box to include notes on the patients account notepad.

      • Include appointment history: Check this box to include the patient's appointment history. You can choose Show all appointments or Show appointments based on appointment date.

    • Transaction History: Check this box to include patient transactions (you can choose what transactions to include from the following choices:

      • Include Patient Payment History: Check this box to include patient payments based on the “received” date of the payment.

      • Include claim listings: Check this box to include patient claims (choose what claims to include by clicking the corresponding  radio button (all claims, specific claims, claims based on payer unpaid claims, etc.).

      • Include payments/adjustments: Check this box to include patient payments, credits and debit transactions.

      • Include billing activity: Check this box to include patients billing activity/summary.

      • Include diagnosis codes: Check this box to include diagnosis codes within the claim listing.

      • Include account debit listing: Check this box to include patient debit transactions.

      • Include payment plan listing: Check this box to include patient payment plans.

      • Include unused account credit list: Check this box to include any patient credits available on the account.

      • Include patient payment history: Check this box to include patient payment transactions.

      • Include patient statement history: Check this box to include patient statements.

      • Include activity summary: Check this box to include patient summary tables:

        • Balance breakdown by status: (includes balances due insurance, due patient, collection and other).

        • Balance breakdown by source: (includes charge balances, payment plan balances and account credits).

        • Payment breakdown by source: (includes insurance or patient balances).

        • Aging Balance Summary Aged by Date of Service: (includes patient, insurance and Payment Plans balances). 

        • Aging Balance Summary Aged by Date Entered: (includes patient, insurance and Payment Plans balances).

        • Aging Balance Summary Aged by Last Billed Date: (includes patient, insurance and Payment Plans balances).

        • Aging Balance Summary: Aged by Payment Plan Due Date: (includes patient balances).

  7. Use the Order Items drop-down menu to select in what order the information should be shown. 

  8. Click Print again.