Payer Alerts

Add a Payer Alert

CollaborateMD allows you to add specific alerts to your payers. Alerts will appear as a pop-up whenever the payer is opened in any section of the CollaborateMD application. Using alerts helps ensure your team is made aware of any important information associated with your payers. 

  1. Select Customer Setup > Payers.

  2. Use the Show All button to view all payers. Or use the Search field to further drill down your search. 

  3. Select the Payer.

  4. Locate and click on the Alerts tab from the right-side panel.

  5. Click Add Alert .

  6. Write the message you would like to have appear in the alert pop-up.

  7. Use the Display Options boxes to determine when you would like the alert to appear.  

    For more information on the Display Options, please visit the Alert Display Options Help Article.  

  8. The Effective Date Range allows you to set how long the alert should remain active. 

  9. Click Done to add your alert.

  10. Click Save.

Find or edit a Payer Alert

  1. Select Customer Setup > Payers.

  2. Use the Show All button to view all payers. Or use the Search field to further drill down your search. 

  3. Select the Payer.

  4. Locate and click on the Alerts tab from the right-side panel.

  5. Select the Alert.

  6. Optional: Modify the alert.

  7. Click Save.

Remove a Payer Alert

  1. Select Customer Setup > Payer.

  2. Use the Show All button to view all payers. Or use the Search field to further drill down your search.

  3. Select the Payer.

  4. Locate and click on Alerts from the right-hand side panel.

  5. Click the  icon next to the alert.

  6. Click Save.