Is my Information secure?
Yes, our site and your personal information are secure and encrypted in compliance with HIPAA and PCI regulations for the protection of patient health information and credit card data.
What will my email address be used for?
CollaborateMD will not use your email for anything other than patient Payment Portal activities, such as password resets. Your personal information is protected by HIPAA & PCI regulations.
I cannot register with the patient payment portal.
Please verify that the patient account number you are attempting to register with is correct (it will be printed on your monthly statement). If the patient account number is correct, but your provider does not have the Payment Portal enabled, you will be unable to register. The patient record within CollaborateMD must also have either an SSN or Primary Member ID entered in order to complete registration for the payment portal. If this information is missing within CollaborateMD, the patient will receive a warning message stating "Our records for your account are incomplete. For assistance, please contact your doctor's office or billing department
I've logged in before, but now I can't.
If you registered with the patient Payment Portal previously, but are no longer able to log in, it is likely that your provider cancelled the patient Payment Portal service. Please contact your provider’s billing representative for further billing support.
I have lost access to the email associated with the portal?
If a patient loses access to the email they associated with the Patient Payment Portal, they must contact their office and they can reset their email address that's associated with the portal from the patient billing options.
Can I register my dependents under my account?
Dependents must be registered under their own accounts due to PHI/HIPAA privacy concerns and regulations.
What type of payments are supported in the portal?
Currently only credit card payments and debit cards that can be run as credit cards are supported. ACH payments are not supported.
We support the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club International, JCB, Wright Express, and Voyager.
I just made a payment, but my balance didn't change.
Please contact your provider’s billing representative with any billing or transaction errors.
When I make a payment, how is the payment applied?
Payments are applied to unpaid charges based on age, from oldest to newest.
I sent a check to my doctor but it hasn't shown up?
Please contact your Doctor’s billing representative and verify that they have received your check. If they have received it then they need to post that payment before it can show up in your Payment History.