From within Manage Account, you are able to change the status of a procedure or charge. This is helpful if you need to write off a balance or make the remaining balance due to the patient for multiple charges or procedures.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing. locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Status of the code in the Status / Memo column.
Select the new Status from the drop-down menu.
Click Save.
From the Manage Account screen, you are able to apply a discount to a procedure or charge the patient is responsible for using a discount code. Commonly this would be used for providing a patient a referral discount or a new patient discount
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Apply Discount button.
Click the
icon to select the discount code.
Enter the Discount % and Min. Charge Amount or place a check in the Discount charge balance to $0.00 to discount the whole balance.
Enter the Received date.
Type a Memo and/or a Credit Memo
Click Done.
Click Save.
You can apply a Credit Adjustment to a specific procedure transaction within the manage account screen. Credit adjustments could be used to correct a prior entry error, to provide a credit of the balance for a provider’s family member, or if a patient or insurance overpaid or were overbilled.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Apply Credit Adjustment button.
Fill in the button to specify this as a Patient or an Insurance credit adjustment.
Click the
icon to select the credit code.
Enter the Credit Amount.
Enter the Received date.
Enter a Memo
Click Done.
If this is a credit adjustment for a charge assigned to a collection agency, a pop up will ask if the payment is from the (collection agency name).
Click Save.
You can apply a Debit Adjustment to a specific procedure transaction within the manage account screen. Debit adjustments could be used to add a late fee or a no-show fee to a procedure transaction. Debit codes should be used to add non claim related charges to a procedure.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Apply Debit Adjustment button.
Click the
icon to select the debit code.
Enter the Debit Amount.
Enter the Debit Date.
Click Done.
Click Save.
You can apply an Account Credit to a specific procedure transaction within the manage account screen. Any outstanding account credits for the patients are shown in a separate table. The credits will be grouped under due patient and due insurance. Account credits are created when the patient or the insurance company makes a payment to the account and not to a specific procedure charge. This typically occurs when a payment is made before a claim has been created. If the patient does not have any outstanding account credits, this table will not be displayed.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Apply Account Credit button.
Use the Source drop-down menu to select where the credit should come from.
Use the Provider drop-down menu to select which provider that transfer should be reported for.
Enter the Credit Amount that should be applied.
Enter a Memo.
Click Done.
Click Save.
You are able to add an Info Line to a procedure transaction within the manage account screen. When posting any payment an info line will automatically be added with info on how the payment was received (Cash, Check, e.g.). Additional info lines could be used to explain any other important information like notes on who made the payment or who received the payment for example.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Click the Add Info Line button.
Did you know you can customize the list of info lines available within CMD? Visit our Custom Info Lines Help Article for detailed steps on how to customize your info lines.
Select new Info Line from the list. Or select Custom to enter your own info line.
Enter the Received Date.
Place a check in the box to copy this info line to all charges on this claim.
Click Done.
Click Save.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Procedure Code.
Place a check in the Delete Charge box.
Click Save.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Click the
and check Show deleted transactions.
Under Transaction Listing locate the DOS.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the Deleted Procedure Code.
Uncheck the Delete Transactions box.
Click Save.
Want to manage how many times a statement has gone out for a specific claim? You can edit the number of times a statement has been sent for a specific claim within the manage account screen. This is helpful if you need to remove an already submitted statement from the total amount of statements sent.
Select Patient > Manage Account.
Use the Search field to search through your patients or insured.
Place a check in the “Include inactive patients” box to include inactive patients in your search results.
Select the Patient.
Under Transaction Listing. locate the DOS the procedure is under and click the expand arrow.
Sort your search results. Visit our Reorder Table Columns Help Article for detailed steps on how to hide, rearrange or add header columns.
Select the claim DOS line.
within the Statements Sent field, you can edit the number of times the statement has been sent for the claim.
Click Save.