New Features and Updates
- Anesthesia Claims: Implemented better support throughout the application for billing anesthesia claims. This includes showing the start time, end time, and minutes within the charges table as well as automatically calculating the units using the base unit from the procedure code default or fee schedule and the minutes.
- NY Workers Comp Payer Enhancement: Updated the claim printing process for NY Worker's Compensation claims to use the CMS 1500 claim form instead of the old NY workers comp form based on the new payer guidelines as of July 2022. This new update will apply to claims being printed on a CMS-1500 where the State = NY and the Payer Type = Worker's Comp. Payers that had the old Billing Option to "Print CMS-1500 as NY Workers Compensation Form" must ensure this option is now unchecked to allow them to print as a CMS-1500.
Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
- Agreement Status Information Update: Updated the agreement status information shown in the Clearinghouse Connection tab of the Payer screen to include the NPI associated with a completed agreement when clicking the Agreement Required link.
Payment Plan
- New Payment Plan Option: Added a "select all" option to the charges window when associating charge(s) to a new or existing payment plan. This will allow checking all the checkboxes for every charge with one click.
Payer Agreement
- Payer Agreement Lookup Enhancement: Added a column to the Payer Agreement Lookup results table to show the username that completed the agreement. This new column will be hidden by default but available by using the right-click select columns feature on this screen.