Misc. Reports

Charge Panel Listing Report

Description: The Charge Panel Listing Report displays a list of active charge panels. This report shows the charge panel name and code, codes on the charge panel, charge panel POS, charge panel modifiers, charge panel units, and charge panel price. 

Limitations: Does not include inactive or deleted charge panels. 

CPT Listing Report

Description: The CPT Listing Report displays a list of CPT Codes that have been added from the master list. This report shows CPT code, CPT short descriptions, CPT default price, and CPT department. 

Limitations: None. 

Credit Adjustment Report

Description: The Credit Adjustment Report displays a list of adjustments that were made within a specified payment date range. This report shows patient and payment details such as received date, claim ID, patient ID, patient full name, adjustment code, and payment total paid. Additionally, the report shows totals by code, payer and payer type displayed in a co-display.

Limitations: Does not include deleted payments, transfers, and only includes payments where payment source is Patient Adjustment or Insurance Adjustment.

Electronic Payer List Report

Description: The Electronic Payer List Report displays a list of electronic payers. The report shows electronic payer state and electronic payer name. 

Limitations: Does not include payers where the electronic payer name is empty.

ICD Listing Report

Description: The ICD Listing Report displays a list of active ICD codes. This report shows ICD code related information, such as ICD code, ICD description, ICD version, and ICD inactive column. 

Limitations: None. 

Inventory Report

Description: The Inventory Report displays a list of active inventory items. This report shows inventory code, item description, billing description, alert message, inventory item quantity, inventory CPT code, alert on/off?, inventory alert quantity, inventory inactive?, and the inventory last modified date.

Limitations: None.

Payer Listing Report

Description: The Payer Listing Report displays a list of active payers. This report shows the payer ID, payer name, payer plan name, and payer address.

Limitations: None. 

Payer Listing by Usage Report

Description: The Payer Listing by Usage Report displays a list of active payers with charges in a given date range. This report shows the payer name,  payer plan name, payer address, and the number of claims per payer within the selected date range.

Limitations: None.

Provider Listing Report

Description: The Provider Listing Report displays a list of active and/or inactive providers. This report shows the customer number the provider is listed in, provider sequence number, provider name and NPI, and the provider's associated practice name.

Limitations: None.

Remittance Code Listing Report

Description: The Remittance Code Listing Report displays a list of active remittance codes in the customer's local list. This report shows the remittance code and report description, the remit code type, if the remit code has actions (yes or no), remit code info level, remit code memo line, remit code action payer type and the remit code action. This report can be grouped by a selected remit code variable.

Limitations: None. 

Task Search Report

Description: The Task Search Report displays a list of tasks assigned in a date range. This report shows reminder details such as reminder date, assigned to user, assigned by user, reminder priority, reminder status and description. 

Limitations: Must enter at least one date range to search by prior to running the report. Must select the customer the user(s) is defaulted under, if multiple exist.

ePS Electronic Payer List Report

Description: The Electronic Payer List Report displays a list of electronic payers supported by ePS (eProvider Solutions). The report shows the electronic payer state, payer name, ePS payer ID, and which products each payer supports.

Limitations: None.

Appointments Without an Estimate Report

Description: The Appointments Without an Estimate Report displays a list of appointments that fall within a given time frame that have not had any Patient Estimates billed for the particular patient visit they represent. The appointment's date as well as information related to the appointment's patient is displayed on the report.

Limitations: Does not include appointments that do not have a Patient Estimate. Does not include deleted appointments. By default, the report only includes appointments that are not set as inactive. 

Estimate Listing Report

Description: The Estimate Listing Report displays a list of Estimates based on the appointment, or claim date range. This report shows the Estimate patient, Estimate amount, Estimate Copay, Estimate Co-Insurance, Estimate deductible, and the claim or appointment associated with the Estimate.

Limitations: None.

Estimated VS Actual Amounts Due Report

Description: The Estimated VS Actual Amounts Due Report displays a list of claims with Estimates found in a date range where the Estimate charge status is (by default): Paid or Balance Due Patient. This report shows Estimate claim id, Estimate patient id, claim from date, claim total amount, Estimate Amount, Insurance Estimate, Charge insurance payments, and Actual Amount Due. Additionally, the report shows charge patient payments and claim status.

Limitations: Does not include deleted claims.