Data SnapShot


ScopeThe site documents the data tables pertaining to a custom data snapshot requested by a customer for their account.  The requested data snapshot is inclusive of all your data excluding document imaging. Please note that while the data from all of your reports will be included within the snapshot, your actual standard and custom report templates are not included.   Each data snapshot is exported in Tab Delimited (.DAT) data file format or a MySQL database, as specified in your original data snapshot request.  The data snapshot can be downloaded using the instructions sent to you within the secure message.  
The table below denotes the names of the files along with a file description associated with your custom data snapshot.  You can click on any of the applicable links below to review the description of the pertinent data fields within each file for processing the data within the snapshot.  

PolicyIf a customer requires access to the table list below or support for their data snapshot, the Support form must be completed. This can be located under the "Support" and "Request" section in the left-hand pane or click here to request Support

 File Name Description
 ACTIVITY  Claims submissions and patient statement activity. 
 APPT     Appts on the scheduler system.
 APPTTYPES      Appt types for the scheduler.
 AUTHORIZATIONS  Patient authorizations.
 CHARGE  Line Item on a claim, CPT, Modifiers, and Prices.
 CHARGE_HISTORY  Historical auditing of changes to charge statuses.
 CLAIM  All info related to the claim including patient info and additional info tab.
 CLAIM_ICD_CODE  ICD codes (9 and 10) stored on claims.
 CLAIMSTATUS  Accepted, Rejected - Same data that appears in Claim Tracking.
 CPTCODE   Personal List build off of master of CPT Codes.
 CREDIT  All Payments, Adjustments, and Account Credits for all Insurance and Patients.
 FACILITY  Facility demographic info. 
 ICDCODE  Personal List built off of master of ICD Codes. 
 INS_PARTIES  Insured parties on patient records.
 INS_POLICIES  Insurance policies on patient records.
 LOCATION  Practice Offices demographics info.
 PATIENT  Patient Demographics.
 PATNOTES  Patient Notes.
 PAYOR  Insurance Demographics.
 PRACTICE  Practice Demographics.
 PROVID  Provider ID as found in the Payer Section / Provider ID column.
 PROVIDER  Provider Demographics.
 REFERRING  Referring Demographics.
 REMITTANCE  Represents remittance (adjustment, remark, and unpaid reason) codes received on EOBs.
 RESOURCE  Appointment scheduling resources.
 ICDPROC  ICD procedure codes related to Institutional / UB claims.
 ICLAIM  Claim Data related to Institutional / UB claims.
 INSCHECK  Insurance checks, Check #s, Date Posted (Details are to be found in the file named "CREDIT").
 INVENTORY  Inventory list.
 REVCODE  Revenue  Code List.