How to Register for the Payment Portal with the QR Code (Patients)

  1. Locate the Payment Portal QR Code that is shown on your patient statement. 
  2. Scan your code using your smartphone's QR Code Reader app.

  3. Scanning the QR Code will take the patient to the Payment Portal site and automatically fill in their patient account #.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Create an account to see your balance and history.

  6. Enter your Last Name, Date of Birth, and the last 4 of your SSN or Member ID Number.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter your email, then click Next.

  9. Copy the Verification Code from your email, then click Next.
  10. Create a secure Password.

  11. Click Register.

    Don't have a smartphone or a QR Scanner app?   Visit our How to Register for the Payment Portal Help Article for detailed steps on how to register for the payment portal manually.